

  • How long are prices valid?

    How long are prices valid?

    Prices vary based on quantity, payment, and shipping terms. Therefore prices quoted based on requests. All prices are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise mentioned in the quotation. Mostly all prices are valid for three calendar days.

  • How can we place orders?

    It is better to place an order by email our professional marketing team will get back at due course.

  • What are your minimum order quantities (MOQ)?

    We do our best to deliver the goods at the lowest possible price to our customers.it is better to check the minimum order quantity with our sales experts case by case.

  • What are your shipping terms?

    Normal shipment is “by sea”. Shipment by air, couriers, post parcel can also be arranged upon request.

  • How fast can you make shipments? How fast can we receive goods?

    Transit period depends on a wide variety of factors – such as order type, quantity, number of mixed products in one shipment, shipping mode, or delays at customs at destination. Normally Shipments can be made within 2-3 weeks from date of receipt of order

  • Will I receive options/advice to help me choose the product (s) I want?

    Yes, definitely. By consulting with our export expertise, we’re happy to discuss and present available options based on different factors such as your local market demands and delivery methods. Once you’ve shortlisted the products you’re interested in, we will arrange samples for you to test and verify particularity of product .

  • Are dates healthy?

    Dates are naturally rich in various nutritional values such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, making them a great addition to your daily diet. The fiber in dates promotes healthy digestion and helps you stay satiated longer. In addition, dates are an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

    If you’re looking for a natural sweetener without the drawbacks of added sugars, dates are the perfect choice. Natural sugars are absorbed into the blood slowly, so there are no sudden spikes and drops in your blood sugar levels. This makes dates a healthier alternative to refined sugar in desserts and snacks.

  • How long can you store dates?

    Our dried dates last a long time and come with an expiration date on the package. In general, they can be stored in a cool, dry place in an airtight container for up to a year or more. It is important to make sure that no moisture gets into the packaging, as this can reduce the quality of the dates and cause mold.

  • Are dates fruits?

    Dates are fruits derived from the date palm, a tree that grows mainly in hot and dry climates. These fruits have been consumed for thousands of years because of their delicious sweet taste and nutritional value. There are several types of dates, the most common of which are Medjool dates. Medjool dates are known for their large size, juiciness and rich, sweet taste.

  • Are dates Healthy & Gluten Free?

    Dates are an excellent source of:   

    • Iron, the mineral that prevents anemia and which is a part of the hemoglobin molecule in the blood 

    • Magnesium, which is has an important role in the nervous system integrity and in energy production.  

    • Potassium, useful for preventing muscle cramps and muscle recovery

    • Calcium phosphorus, essential for healthy bones  

    • Vitamin A, for healthy skin and eyesight 

    • Vitamin B3 (niacin) protecting from pellagra, a diseases which is manifested as dermatitis.

    • Niacin also reduces triglycerides and cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood, thus protects the heart and circulatory system 

    • Folic acid, essential for protection against atherosclerosis and heart problems, and for protein metabolism.   


    The Mineral Wealth of Dates fruit

    • Dates fruit have 2-1/2 times more potassium than bananas. As per the World Health Organization, potassium plays a significant role in lessening blood diseases. 

    • Selenium in dates fruit is important in immune function and helps to prevent cancer.  

    • Dates are 100 % natural and gluten free foods which improves cholesterol level and promotes digestive health 

    A Mediterranean Diet Staple

    • As one of the oldest known fruits from the desert, dates have always been part of a healthy, Mediterranean diet. In addition to helping people lose weight. 

    • The Mediterranean diet seems to help people lower their cholesterol, reduce their risk for Alzheimer’s, diabetes and various types of cancer, and improve rheumatoid arthritis.

    • This diet is centered on foods indigenous to the Mediterranean region – like olive oil and fish, along with whole grains and plant foods, including, of course, the date. 

    Kids Love ’em!

    • Dates contain supplements vital for development and growth, including potassium for controlling circulatory strain and keeping maintaining the growth of muscle and bone. This basic mineral is essential to assemble muscles, direct your pulse, control liquid adjusts and separate sugars.  

    • Dates nutrition B6 found in dates is a basic supplement for protein digestion with the goal that your body can construct muscle and develop hair and nails.`  

  • What are dates?

    The date is a unique fruit, enjoyed in three states of ripeness. When fully ripe but still firm, it is bright yellow or red, refreshingly crunchy, juicy and moderately sweet. As it further ripens, it gradually softens, starting from the top all the way down to calyx. The date looks partly firm and yellow or red, and partly moist and brown and almost translucent. Then the entire fruit becomes soft, loses its crunchiness and tastes even sweeter and more succulent. If left on the tree to dry naturally in the sun, its skin shrivels and darkens in colour. The date develops a candy-like chewy texture. Technically, the date can be labelled as fresh when eaten right after it has been picked, but since it is really at its driest stage, it is labelled dried. In this state, it is stored and transported throughout the world, and commercially marked as soft, semi-dry or dry, depending on the date variety.

  • What's the difference between fresh dates and dry dates?

    Technically, the date can be labelled as fresh when eaten right after it has been picked, but since it is really at its driest state at this stage, it is labelled dried. In this state, it is stored and transported throughout the world, and commercially marketed as soft, semi-dry or dry, depending on the date variety.

  • What's so special about the date fruit and date palm tree?

    What sets this fruit above others is this: besides enjoying it as a fresh fruit or dessert after meals or between meals, it can be combined with nuts to provide proteins and essential fat and used as a natural pre and post workout food. In the arid regions, where it grows most successfully, it is the meal itself. The date is an affordable concentrated energy staple food comparable to wheat potatoes and rice in the other parts of the world where Mother Nature is more generous J It us called 'bread of the desert' and 'cake for the poor'. In its dried form it is an important crop in fighting global hunger and also dealing with global warming.  The date tree is also very unique – a tall and beautiful palm with evergreen feathery leaves radiating like sun rays from the top of its single stem. It is both impressively bountiful and versatile. The tree flourishes in arid areas where other trees may barely survive.

  • Where are date usually grown?

     It is indigenous to the Old World along an era extending from northwest and north Africa particularly in the Sahara desert oases through south-western Asia to India and Pakistan. In Europe today the only place where it is commercially grown is Elche in Spain whereas in the New World it mostly thrives in the hot and dry regions of Southern California. In southern hemisphere its cultivation is increasing at places like the arid regions of Namibia in Africa and Alice Springs in the Northern Territory of Australia. 

  • How many types of dates are there?

     In the long history of the tree's cultivation several thousand varieties have been established. However some of them are inferior in quality. Therefore the number of varieties is not the criterion for judging the qualitative productivity of a region. The Punjab region for instance, grows 300 varieties, of which only a handful are good. In Iraq the number of variety is considerably higher due to the long experience and skills acquired over centuries of cultivating the palm and manipulating it genes. 

  • Are all types of dates covered with glucose syrup?

     No. We are strictly against using any flavourings, preservatives and additives. We take pride in fact that all are products are completely natural and free from these.

  • Are they suitable for vegan?

     Yes, our dates are suitable for vegans. 

  • What are the most common type of dates found in Europe?

    The two most popular date varieties include Deglet Noor, 'date of light' and large, sweet and succulent Medjool. It is so-called because originally it was mejhool date (of unknown lineage) 

  • How are our dates different from our competitors?

    We are the most expert company in iran who specialize in gourmet dates. We hand-pick our dates with great care and patience so that you can experience their true and delicious taste.

     Some of the variety of dates we use are exclusively exported by us.

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